@ARTICLE{26583204_37628164_2011, author = {J. Taratukhina and O. Chamina}, keywords = {, information environment, open content, online communities, educational environment, multimedia didactics., cross-cultural didacticscommunicative and pedagogical innovations}, title = {Educational online communities in multicultural contex: open content}, journal = {}, year = {2011}, number = {3 }, pages = {3-9}, url = {https://bijournal.hse.ru/en/2011--3 /37628164.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {In the paper the general trends in the organization of educational communications related with open content development in educational network communities in different cultural environments are discussed, taking into consideration the socio-cultural characteristics of educational systems.}, annote = {In the paper the general trends in the organization of educational communications related with open content development in educational network communities in different cultural environments are discussed, taking into consideration the socio-cultural characteristics of educational systems.} }